June 21, 2022


You don't want asphalt paving to be constantly repaired, no matter how big or small your driveway is. Asphalt is strong enough to withstand thousands of cars per day. However, it's not invincible. Cold asphalt is more fragile than hot asphalt, so it needs to be prepared for winter. We want to share some simple tips with all of our customers to help protect asphalt from the harsh winters.

* Make sure you have a snow removal plan

Clearing snow from your driveway or parking lot in winter is a great way to ensure that it doesn't crack or become damaged. It doesn't matter if you have to shovel it or hire a snow removal company. The winter will be more durable if your asphalt is dry.

* Water pooling is a sign of weakness

Asphalt is very vulnerable to water in winter. Water expands when it freezes. This means that any water that penetrates asphalt will cause cracks. If left unattended, cracks can quickly turn into potholes. Call an asphalt expert if you notice water pooling on your driveway or parking lot paving.

* Professional cleaning is a great way to get your home clean and organized.

Although asphalt is the main enemy, water and other heavy loads can cause damage to your paving. It's important to have your parking lot paving cleaned annually before winter.

* Repair immediately

It is important to act fast if you see cracks developing. You can easily repair small cracks. However, once cracks have formed, asphalt's integrity is compromised, and more cracks are likely.

Paving Kelowna Quote

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